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Various causes can lead to a person remaining mentally stuck in the past or dreaming himself away into a glorious future instead of living in the present. Seven Bach Flowers help the personality to gain more mindfulness and raise the interest and attention for the here and now: N°7 Chestnut Bud, N°9 Clematis, N°16 Honeysuckle, N°21 MustardN°23 Olive, N°35 White Chestnut, N°37 Wild Rose


Nr. 7 Nr 7 Chestnut Bud Bach Flower Original Chestnut Bud Flower Essence Knospe der Rosskastanie Bourgeon marronnier gemma dell’ippocastano Brote de castaño de Indias kastanjeknop Lemon Pharma
Nr. 9 Nr 9 Bach Flower Original Clematis Flower Essence Weiße Waldrebe Clématite des haies clematide vitalba Clemátide clematide vitalba bosrank Lemon Pharma
N°9 Clematis™
From €11,45
Nr. 16 Nr 16 Bach Flower Original Honeysuckle Flower Essence Geißblatt Chèvrefeuille caprifoglio Madreselva Kamperfoelie
Nr. 21 Nr 21 Bach Flower Original Mustard Flower Essence Wilder Senf Moutarde de champs senape Mostaza salvaje Herik Lemon Pharma
N°21 Mustard™
From €11,45
Nr. 23 Nr 23 Bach Flower Original Olive Flower Essence Olive Olivier olivo Olijf Lemon Pharma
N°23 Olive™
From €10,95
Nr. 35 Nr 35 Bach Flower Original White Chestnut Flower Essence Weisse Kastanie marronnier blanc ippocastano Castaño de Indias paardenkastanje Lemon Pharma
Nr. 37 Nr 37 Bach Flower Original Wild Rose Flower Essence Heckenrose Églantier rosa canina Hondsroos Lemon Pharma
N°37 Wild Rose™
From €11,45
Bach flower Pastilles Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Peace and Calmness Night Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach orange taste organic vegan
Bach flower animals pets drops Indolence Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bachblüten für Kinder Globulix Perlen Wachsam und Beständig Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Kids Children Globulix pearls peace and calmness Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Kids Children Globulix pearls sleep well peaceful night Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bachblüten Kaugummi Nr 39 Für alle Fälle Notfall Emergency Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
TicTac, Dragees, Bachblueten dragees, Bachblueten Bonbons, Bachblueten Tropfen, Drops, Bachblueten für Kinder, Bachblueten Tag und Nacht
Bachblüten Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Plus Pastillen Bonbons Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Globulix Pearls Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency A good Night’s sleep Night Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Liquid Spray Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Peace and Calmness Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Liquid Spray Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Peace and Calmness Night Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bachblüten Kaugummi Nr 40 Energy Energie Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bachblüten Kaugummi Nr 41 Focus Fokus Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach