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Entdecken Sie die Originalität der Bachblüten Tropfen von Lemon Pharma

Entdecken Sie die Originalität der Bachblüten Tropfen von Lemon Pharma

Willkommen bei Lemon Pharma – Ihrer Quelle für authentische Bachblüten Original Tropfen in Deutschland! Wir sind stolz darauf, Ihnen die reinste Form der Bachblütenessenzen anzubieten, die Ihnen helfen können, emotionale Balance und Wohlbefinden auf natürliche Weise zu erreichen.

Die Originalität von Lemon Pharma:

Was macht unsere Bachblüten Tropfen so einzigartig? Wir bleiben Dr. Edward Bach, dem Pionier der Bachblütentherapie, treu, indem wir wie er natürlichen Weinbrand verwenden (Bio Cognac aus Frankreich). Unsere Herangehensweise basiert auf den Prinzipien und der Philosophie, die Dr. Bach in den 1930er Jahren entwickelt hat.

Unsere "Bachblüten Original Tropfen N°39 FÜR ALLE FÄLLE" (NOTFALLMISCHUNG) sind ein herausragendes Beispiel für unser Engagement für Originalität und Qualität. Diese einzigartige Mischung wurde sorgfältig formuliert, um Ihnen in allen Lebenslagen Unterstützung zu bieten. Egal ob Sie unter Stress stehen, Ängste überwinden möchten oder einfach nur nach innerer Ruhe streben – unsere Tropfen sind für jeden geeignet.

Warum sollten Sie sich für Lemon Pharma entscheiden?

  1. Authentische Formulierung: Unsere Bachblüten Tropfen werden nach den Originalrezepturen von Dr. Bach hergestellt, um die Reinheit und Wirksamkeit der Essenzen zu gewährleisten.

  2. Bio Brand Verwendung: Wir verwenden ausschließlich Bio Brand, wie es auch Dr. Bach tat, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Produkte den höchsten Qualitätsstandards entsprechen.

  3. Natürliche Lösungen: Unsere Tropfen bieten eine sanfte und natürliche Möglichkeit, emotionales Gleichgewicht und Wohlbefinden zu fördern, ohne Nebenwirkungen.

  4. Vielseitige Anwendung: Ob zu Hause, am Arbeitsplatz oder unterwegs – unsere Bachblüten Tropfen sind für alle Lebenssituationen geeignet und können leicht in Ihren Alltag integriert werden.

Entdecken Sie noch heute die Originalität und Wirksamkeit der Bachblüten Tropfen von Lemon Pharma. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit unserer Hilfe Ihr emotionales Wohlbefinden steigern können und nehmen Sie sich Zeit für sich selbst. Ihr Wohlbefinden liegt uns am Herzen!

Besuchen Sie unsere Website, um mehr über unsere Produkte zu erfahren und bestellen Sie Ihre Bachblüten Original Tropfen N°39 FÜR ALLE FÄLLE noch heute!

Hier kannst du Sie schnell erwerben: https://www.lemon.shop/products/n-39®-liquid-drops-3


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Bachblüten Tropfen

Bachblüten Tropfen

Entdecke die sanfte Kraft der Natur mit den N-39® Liquid Drops von Lemon Pharma.

In einer Welt voller Hektik und Stress sehnen sich viele von uns nach einem Moment der Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit. Die N-39® Liquid Drops bieten dir eine liebevolle Unterstützung auf deinem Weg zu innerer Harmonie.

Die einzigartige Kombination aus ausgewählten Bachblütenessenzen in jeder Flasche hilft dir dabei, deine emotionale Balance wiederherzustellen. Ob in herausfordernden Situationen des Alltags oder in Momenten der Selbstreflexion, diese Tropfen begleiten dich auf deiner Reise zu mehr Gelassenheit und innerer Stärke.

Die sorgfältige Herstellung und die Verwendung hochwertiger Zutaten garantieren nicht nur die Wirksamkeit, sondern auch die Reinheit unserer Produkte. Jede Flasche wird mit größter Sorgfalt und Liebe zum Detail hergestellt, um dir die bestmögliche Unterstützung zu bieten.

Einfach in der Anwendung und angenehm im Geschmack sind die N-39® Liquid Drops die ideale Ergänzung für dein tägliches Wohlbefinden. Gönn dir den Luxus einer kleinen Auszeit und lass die sanfte Kraft der Bachblüten deine Seele streicheln.

Egal, ob du dich gestresst fühlst, emotional ausgelaugt bist oder einfach nur nach innerer Ruhe suchst - vertraue auf die bewährte Wirksamkeit der Bachblüten und entdecke ein neues Gefühl von Leichtigkeit und Balance.

Erlebe die Magie der Natur mit den N-39® Liquid Drops von Lemon Pharma. Gönn dir das Beste für dich und deine Seele.

Hier kannst du Sie schnell erwerben: https://www.lemon.shop/products/n-39®-liquid-drops-3


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Bach Flower N°42™ Confidence Drops

Bach Flower N°42™ Confidence Drops

The calming essence of the Bach flower drops "CONFIDENCE" rests in a delicate bottle. Like a gentle rain, these drops penetrate the roots of insecurity and invite you to open your heart to the warm rays of trust. The delicate blend of natural essences seems like a protective embrace that envelops the soul and gently dispels the fears of mistrust.

The " CONFIDENCE" drops are like the calm bars of a familiar melody that soothe the heart and strengthen trust in one's own intuition. When you savour these drops, a feeling of security unfolds, as if the flowers of trust are gently blossoming in the garden of the soul.

These drops are like a walk through a blossoming grove in which the flowers of confidence and connection shine in full splendour. They invite you to take the hand of trust, banish doubt and savour the sweet fruit of a harmonious relationship with yourself and others.

In the world of " CONFIDENCE" brook flower drops you will find a source of inner peace and serenity. They invite you to strengthen your confidence in your own abilities, to open the gates of your heart and to walk the path of trust with a smiling heart. In their lovely magic lies the power to build bridges of trust and to embrace the journey of life with confidence.

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Bach Flower N°41™ Focus (concentration) drops

Bach Flower N°41™ Focus (concentration) drops

The focussing essence of the Bach flower drops "FOCUS (concentration)" is concealed in a delicate bottle. Like a gentle ray of sunshine penetrating through the leaves of distraction, these drops invite you to focus your thoughts and strengthen the clear line of thinking. The delicate blend of natural essences seems like a calm river that flows through the mind with clarity.

The "FOCUS" drops are like the precise notes of a harmonious melody that strengthen concentration and direct the senses to the essentials. When you savour these drops, a feeling of clarity unfolds, as if the fog of restlessness is slowly being replaced by a clear horizon.

These drops are like a walk through a peaceful garden where the flowers of attention and presence blossom in full splendour. They invite you to gather your scattered thoughts, sharpen your focus and savour the sweet fruit of mental clarity.

In the world of "FOCUS" brook flower drops you will find a source of mental balance and alertness. They invite you to centre your thoughts, to focus clearly on the tasks of the day and to walk the path of life with a focused mind. In their lovely magic lies the power to strengthen your inner clarity and to centre your thoughts with a smile.

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Bach Flower N°40™ Energy Drops

Bach Flower N°40™ Energy Drops

The revitalising essence of the Bach flower drops "ENERGY" rests in a delicate bottle. Like a rising ray of sunshine, these drops penetrate the mists of tiredness and revitalise the spirit. The delicate blend of natural essences shines like a refreshing morning dew, gently bringing the flowers of vitality to bloom.

The "ENERGY" drops are like the powerful rhythm of an inspiring melody that awakens the spirits and fills the senses with new dynamism. When you savour these drops, a feeling of vitality unfolds, as if the body's energy reserves are being lovingly replenished.

These drops are like a walk through a blossoming garden, where the flowers of endurance and joie de vivre bloom in full splendour. They invite you to revitalise your tired steps, refresh your spirit and allow yourself to be carried by the welling energy of life.

In the world of "ENERGY" brook blossom drops, you will find a source of renewal and drive. They invite you to revitalise your own energies, to greet the day with fresh enthusiasm and to taste the sweet fruit of vital life force. In their lovely magic lies the power to recharge your inner batteries and to embark on life's journey with a radiant smile.

Lemon Pharma
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Bach Flower N°48™ Stop Tobacco Drops

Bach Flower N°48™ Stop Tobacco Drops

Hidden in a delicate bottle is the liberating essence of the Bach flower drops "Stop Tobacco". Like a fresh wind of change, these drops envelop the senses and invite you to escape the smokescreens of everyday life. The delicate blend of natural essences seems like a gentle compass on the way to a tobacco-free journey through life.

The "Stop Tobacco" drops are like the rising morning that dispels the darkness of smoking and bathes the sky of health in a warm light. When you taste these drops, a feeling of determination unfolds, as if the shadows of addiction are slowly being replaced by a hopeful glow.

These drops are like walking through a clear, smoke-free sky where the flowers of freedom and self-control bloom in full splendour. They invite you to break the chains of tobacco consumption and inhale the fresh breeze of a breath-free life.

In the world of "Stop Tobacco" brook flower drops you will find a source of support and detoxification. They invite you to strengthen your decision to be smoke-free, fill your lungs with pure breath and savour the sweet fruit of a healthier lifestyle. In their lovely magic lies the power to walk the path to freedom from smoking with a smile and freedom from addiction.

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Bach Flower N°47™ Sleep Drops

Bach Flower N°47™ Sleep Drops

The calming essence of the Bach flower drops "Sleep" rests in a delicate bottle. Like the gentle glow of the moon, these drops envelop the mind and create an atmosphere of serenity. The delicate blend of natural essences seems like a soft lullaby that gently lulls the senses into the slumber of peace.

The "Sleep" drops are like the gentle breath of a calming breeze that quietly carries away the turmoil of the day and creates space for sweet dreams. When you savour these drops, an atmosphere of relaxation unfolds, as if the stars in the night sky are lovingly draping their veils over your exhausted mind.

These drops are like a walk through a dreamlike garden in which the flowers of tranquillity bloom in full splendour. They invite you to let go of the hectic pace of everyday life and lull yourself into the gentle arms of restful sleep.

In the world of "sleep" brook blossom drops, you will find a source of deceleration and inner peace. They invite you to see the night as a sacred space of regeneration, to calm the mind and to savour the sweet fruit of restful sleep. In their lovely magic lies the power to welcome sleep as an ally and to dive into dreams with a smile.

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Bach Flower N°45™ Slimming Drops (Figura)

Bach Flower N°45™ Slimming Drops (Figura)

The enchanting essence of the Bach flower drops " Slimming" rests in a delicate bottle. Like the light scent of spring blossoms, these drops caress the senses and invite you on a journey of self-acceptance. The delicate blend of natural essences seems like a gentle companion on the path to physical balance.

The "Slimming" drops are like the soothing sound of a healing melody that boosts self-confidence and paves the way to a healthy lifestyle. When you savour these drops, a feeling of inner harmony unfolds, as if the leaves of insecurity are gently falling from the tree of self-love.

These drops are like a walk through a blooming garden where the flowers of self-acceptance are in full bloom. They invite you to recognise your own beauty in every moment and embrace your body with loving mindfulness.

In the world of " Slimming " brook flower drops, you will find a source of self-love and well-being. They invite you to treat yourself with kindness, to shape your own path to a healthy weight with love and to savour the sweet fruit of self-care. In their lovely magic lies the power to see your own reflection as a friend and to walk the path to a balanced, healthy lifestyle with a smile.

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Bach Flower N°44™ Libido Drops

Bach Flower N°44™ Libido Drops

The sensual essence of the Bach flower drops "LIBIDO" is concealed in an enchanting bottle. Like the gentle breeze of a spring breeze, these drops bloom through the soul to ignite the fire of passion in its purest form. Their delicate blend of natural essences seems like a love poem for the senses, tenderly deepening the connection between body and soul.

The "LIBIDO" drops are the sonorous chords of a love symphony, releasing the pulsating energy of attraction. When you taste these drops, it feels as if your heartbeat is dancing in harmony with the rhythmic waves of lust, causing the flowers of sensual fulfilment to blossom.

These drops are like the gentle call of love, enchanting the senses and transforming passion into a blossoming garden of ecstasy. They open the heart to the sensual nuances of life and invite you to experience the warmth of affection in its purest form.

In the world of "LIBIDO" brook flower drops you will find a source of sensual harmony. They invite you to experience love with all your senses, to deepen your connection and to savour the sweet melody of intimacy. In their lovely magic lies the power to ignite the fire of passion and send the senses on a delightful journey.

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Bach Flower N°43™ Motivation Drops

Bach Flower N°43™ Motivation Drops

The inspiring essence of the Bach flower drops "MOTIVATION" is concealed in a delicate bottle. Like a rising ray of sunshine, these drops penetrate the darkness of inertia to create a blossoming garden of energy. Their delicate blend of natural essences seems like a gentle wake-up call for the soul, inviting you to unfurl the wings of enthusiasm.

The "MOTIVATION" drops are the silent instigators of an inner fire that rekindles passion for life. When you savour these drops, it feels as if a fresh wind of inspiration is blowing through your mind and gently planting the seeds of action in the soil of your heart.

These drops are like the sound of an encouraging melody that echoes in the chest and quickens the pulse of adventure. They open your eyes to the infinite possibilities that life has to offer and set the sails of determination in motion.

In the world of "MOTIVATION" brook flower drops you will find a source of inexhaustible energy. They invite you to overcome inertia, to follow your own path with joy and to taste the sweet fruit of self-realisation. In their lovely magic lies the power to recognise one's own potential and to follow the call of life with a smile.

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Bach Flower N°46™ Anger Drops

Bach Flower N°46™ Anger Drops

The Bach flower drops "Anger" unfold their gentle magic in the midst of hectic everyday life. A few drops of this precious elixir are able to penetrate the stormy clouds of anger like gentle rays of sunshine. In the hectic symphony of life, they act as quiet conductors, transforming the effervescent tones of anger into a harmonious melody.

The drops contain the subtle essence of flowers that thrive in the calm of the morning dew and absorb their energy in the stillness of nature. When ingested, it is as if a soothing river of delicate petals flows through the veins to soothe the heat of anger.

The "Anger" drops are like a gentle whisper of peace in the midst of the storm. They invite you to pause, take a deep breath and discover the power of forgiveness. In their lovely magic lies the ability to cool the heat of emotions and make room for a feeling of serenity.

In this way, these drops open the door to a garden of peace and inner balance, where the flowers of harmony blossom in all their splendour. In the world of "Anger" brook flower drops, you will find the sweet melody of self-control and the gentle touch that soothes the heart.

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Apropolis® Liquid Spray - Natural Care for Mouth and Throat

Apropolis® Liquid Spray - Natural Care for Mouth and Throat

Discover the Apropolis® Liquid Spray, a soothing dietary supplement harnessing the power of propolis extract to care for your mouth, throat, and beyond. This unique spray, enriched with 4% propolis extract and a high content of antioxidants in the form of polyphenols, is gluten- and lactose-free – perfect for holistic care.

The natural properties of propolis extract, collected and enriched by bees from flower buds and trees, make this product a boon for the body. Bees use propolis to seal their beehives, protecting the survival of their colonies. Since ancient times, propolis has been recognized as a valuable natural substance and was revered by ancient Greeks and the Incas for its ability to strengthen and care for the body, thanks to its abundance of essential vitamins and minerals.

The moisturizing and soothing effects of Apropolis® Liquid Spray offer pleasant support for daily use. The recommended dosage of 3 times daily, 2 sprays into the mouth, ensures optimal utilization of its natural ingredients.

Carefully crafted from distilled water, with a hint of essential lemon and peppermint oil, this spray not only offers soothing care but also provides a refreshing taste experience.

Please note that the Apropolis® Liquid Spray is not suitable for individuals allergic to honey/peppermint oil and should not be consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Children under 3 years of age should also refrain from using this product.

Each bottle contains 30 ml of this natural wonder product, boasting a recommended daily intake of no more than 6 mg/ml of polyphenols. Remember, dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Experience natural care with Apropolis® Liquid Spray – for a healthy well-being of your mouth and throat.


Lemon Pharma draws insights from nature's observations. The protective system bees utilize to ensure the survival and health of their colonies is unparalleled and has persisted for millions of years.

This protective system relies on the botanical bee product, Propolis, collected by bees as a resinous substance from buds and trees. Its composition of ingredients is unique in nature. The structure and quality of Propolis crucially depend on the plant ecology of a region.

Therefore, Lemon Pharma exclusively utilizes Propolis sourced from South America for its products. It is harvested from poplar, eucalyptus, acacia, and pine trees in an exceptionally pristine environment characterized by clear streams, wildflowers, and untouched, pure nature.

Propolis obtained in Europe predominantly originates from birch, beech, alder, and spruce trees, hence possessing a higher potential for allergenic reactions.

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