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Lo sconforto e il dolore di vario tipo affliggono la personalità. Bach non considera solo le forme in cui il dolore e lo sconforto possono influenzare il personaggio. Descrive anche le possibili cause della miseria e della disperazione. Trova otto fiori in grado di lenire la sofferenza emotiva:N ° 10: Granchio di mela,N ° 11: Olmo,N ° 19: Larch,N ° 22: Quercia,N ° 24: Pino,N ° 29: Stella di Betlemme,N ° 30: Castagna dolce,N ° 38: Salice

Nr. 10 Nr 10 Bach Flower Original Crab Apple Flower Essence Holzapfel Pommier sauvage melo selvatico Manzano silvestre wilde appel Lemon Pharma
Nr. 11 Nr 11 Bach Flower Original Elm Flower Essence Ulme Orme olmo Veldiep Lemon Pharma
N ° 11 Olmo™
Da €11,45
Nr. 19 Nr 19 Bach Flower Original Larch Flower Essence Europäische Lärche Mélèze larice Alerce europeo Lariks Lemon Pharma
Nr. 22 Nr 22 Bach Flower Original Oak Flower Essence Eiche Chêne quercia Roble Eik Lemon Pharma
Nr. 24 Nr 24 Bach Flower Original Pine Flower Essence Schottische Kiefer Pin sylvestre pino Grove Den Lemon Pharma
N ° 24 Pino™
Da €10,95
Nr. 29 Nr 29 Bach Flower Star of Bethlehem Doldiger Milchstern Étoile de Bethléem stella di Betlemme Estrella de Belén Vogelmelk Lemon Pharma
Nr. 38 Nr 38 Bach Flower Original Willow FLower Essence Gelbe Weide Salix alba subsp. vitellina salice sauce amarillo Wilg Lemon Pharma
Bach flower Pastilles Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Peace and Calmness Night Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach orange taste organic vegan
Bachblüten Kaugummi Nr 39 Für alle Fälle Notfall Emergency Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
TicTac, Dragees, Bachblueten dragees, Bachblueten Bonbons, Bachblueten Tropfen, Drops, Bachblueten für Kinder, Bachblueten Tag und Nacht
Bach flower Globulix Pearls Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Peace and Calmness Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Globulix Pearls Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency A good Night’s sleep Night Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Liquid Spray Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Peace and Calmness Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Liquid Spray Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Peace and Calmness Night Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bachblüten Kaugummi Nr 40 Energy Energie Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Kids Children Globulix pearls peace and calmness Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Kids Children Globulix pearls courage and determination confidence Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bach flower Kids Children Globulix pearls sleep well peaceful night Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Bachblüten Nr. 39 Nr 39 Emergency Plus Pastillen Bonbons Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C Lemon Pharma Dr. Bach
Nr. 30 Nr 30 Bach Flower Original Sweet Chestnut FLower Essence Edelkastanie Châtaignier castagno dolce Castaño dulce Tamme Kastanje Lemon Pharma